Discover Cosmian vm
verifiable confidential virtual machine

Cosmian vm is the only plug-and-play virtual machine that guarantees the integrity and security of your environment, free from deployment complexity.


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Why Choose Cosmian kms?

  • Unique cryptographic integrity check.
    Cosmian vm guarantees that your cloud provider maintains the integrity and security of your VM. Continuous monitoring and snapshot verification guarantee that no unauthorized changes have occurred.

  • Operate in a familiar environment.
    Cosmian vm is a hardened Linux distribution, so it integrates seamlessly with your existing tools and workflows, requiring no additional learning curve.

  • Streamline experience
    Cosmian vm enables a consistent and streamlined deployment experience across all hardware and cloud providers, ensuring ease and efficiency for administrators.

  • Save time.
    Cosmian vm enables you to automate verification processes, saving you time and reducing manual intervention.

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About Cosmian

Cosmian empowers organizations to regain control over their data security by guaranteeing its confidentiality, even when used in the cloud. We offer a comprehensive data protection solutions suite powered by next generation cryptography: on-the-fly encryption/decryption keys, confidential virtual machines in the cloud, confidential computing, confidential AI, searchable encryption capabilities.

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to the public cloud.